Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So today I found a childhood friend of mine online.  This is not the first time that we've talked in ages.  I hadn't completely lost her only to search her out on Facebook for the first time in fifteen years.  BUT, today I did learn about her blog for the first time, and it really encouraged me to start writing again.

Now, a little about me.... I was the girl in school who loved reading and writing, who had a strong journalistic bent, who was married to her camera and envisioned a travel writing life for herself.  In school, though, I did not study journalism; now I don't know why not.  I did not study photography.  And, though I do love to travel, I have not carved my niche there either.

Instead, I followed a different thread of my adolescent persona.  One that was deeply committed to volunteerism and "making a difference."  For two years after college, I worked as a Teach for America teacher in an urban school.  From there, I worked in other urban districts.  At the moment, I am a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and am expecting another Tiny in March.

So, where does this leave me?  In the not so distant past, I have wondered how the person I was then became the person I am now.  Am I the same person, fundamentally, that I have always been?  How would I have been different if I had chosen another path?  Since there is absolutely no way to know, I've come to this: writing is the best way I know to pay deep, close, loving attention to the things that are most important in my life.  Since being completely awake to the life I have is the primary goal, I think maybe I should write about it.

Which brings us here...to Life's Calling.  Is this about what life has called me to do?  In a way, yes, as my calling is to live attentively.  Is this about opportunities missed?  Absolutely not.  Every path in my life has brought me to this moment, and now, I'm listening....

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